How Inefficient Code Can Lead to High RAM Usage in Unity.

In my experience optimizing a Visual Novel game, I encountered a common issue: dynamically changing backgrounds consumed hundreds of megabytes of RAM. Why did this happen? The backgrounds were added to an array by reference, leading to excessive memory usage.

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;

public class BackgroundChanger : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
    [SerializeField] private Sprite[] backgrounds;
    private int currentIndex = 0;

    void Start()

    IEnumerator ChangeBackground()
        while (true)
            spriteRenderer.sprite = backgrounds[currentIndex];
            currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % backgrounds.Length;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);

Texture Usage Before Optimization

To resolve this problem, you only need to load the backgrounds that are currently needed. This can be accomplished using Resources.Load or AssetBundle. In this article, I will focus on the first, simpler method.

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;

public class BackgroundChanger : MonoBehaviour
    private const string SPRITE_NAME = "black";

    private SpriteRenderer _spriteRenderer;
    private float _waitTime = 2f;

    private int _currentIndex = 1;
    private Sprite _newSprite;

    void Start()

    IEnumerator ChangeBackground()
        while (true)
            _newSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>($"Graphics/{SPRITE_NAME} {_currentIndex}");

            if (_newSprite != null)
                _spriteRenderer.sprite = _newSprite;
                _currentIndex = 1;

            yield return new WaitForSeconds(_waitTime);

By implementing this solution, I significantly improved memory usage and reduced scene loading times. This change not only sped up the scene loading process but also saved a substantial amount of RAM. In my sample project, which contained dozens of graphics, these optimizations led to a noticeable boost in overall performance.

Texture Usage After Optimization

By Rufi

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